Actually the location of the site is "Colver" not "Culver" I am in the process of writing a book on Colver and the C&I railroad was an integral part of the town, the engine shop, car shop and RIP track was located there. I would like to obtain permission to use this photo in my forthcoming book since it shows the "tipple" in the background. Please contact me at tkx
Joseph A. Smith (1895-1978) was an avid collector of railroad photos, sharing many of them with fellow collectors in the Northeast. A former plumbing contractor, Smith presumably developed his interest in railroads through his father – a trolley motorman in Troy, NY.
His extensive collection focused on the lines that once served Troy: Delaware & Hudson, Rutland, Boston & Maine and New York Central. Many of his children – especially his sons Joseph Jr., James and Paul -- developed a similar interest and added to his collection with photos of their own. Maintaining the collection is now in the hands of his grandson, Kenneth Bradford. Coincidentally, Ken’s other grandfather worked as a manager at the Schenectady plant of the American Locomotive Company.
Smith was a life member of the Capital District Railroad Club of Schenectady. He was also a member of the Mohawk-Hudson Chapter Railway Historical Society and its parent organization, the National Railway Historical Society.
1 comment:
Actually the location of the site is "Colver" not "Culver" I am in the process of writing a book on Colver and the C&I railroad was an integral part of the town, the engine shop, car shop and RIP track was located there. I would like to obtain permission to use this photo in my forthcoming book since it shows the "tipple" in the background. Please contact me at tkx
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